
the Process of Disillusionment

Alternate views on – Politics. Patriotism. Higher Education. Jobs. Money. Religion. Gun Control. Online Dating (and much more).



Yet another case of Stolen Valor

So, the current band is going well. We’re playing lots of gigs, getting paid decent, we’re all getting along, etc. We just played two gigs this weekend, a festival for St. Patrick’s Day and then some bar we’d never been... Continue Reading →

a Hypothetical Case of Stolen Valor of Biblical Proportions

I belong to a closed group on Facebook where members spend vast amounts of their free time arguing about the finer points of biblical truth. It’s actually kind of fun! In this particular instance, a member of the believer variety... Continue Reading →

Zumba and Confirmation Bias

Do you go to the gym? I do. And as far as I’m concerned, my earbuds are essential pieces of gym equipment. I can appreciate most genres of music, but when I’m working out, I like to go heavy –... Continue Reading →

Some Motivating Factors for Divorce and Abortion Part II

So, what was I thinking back then?! I’ve told you what I was thinking, and the outcome was not as disastrous as a lot out there in today’s society. We had no kids, so when we decided to end things... Continue Reading →

Some Motivating factors for Divorce and Abortion Part I

I think, without trying very hard, that there are plenty of negative things we can discuss about religions. Most people, when criticizing religions, tend to go with the extremes, such as holy wars and inquisitions and the fact that more... Continue Reading →

the Big Payback (written in 2004)

(Minimal editing - I'll admit: I swore a lot back then). All summer long, my ex-wife was e-mailing me from Korea, bugging me about this thousand dollars that I owed her from the divorce, which was several years prior. Technically,... Continue Reading →

The return of the Irv (written in 2005 or 06)

Right when I showed up to Charlie Battery, so did the Irv. SFC Irving and I used to be in Bravo Battery way back in the day. He was one of my launcher chiefs, and after he shot fifteen minutes... Continue Reading →

Stolen Valor Part III

After waiting several months for the National Archives to process my request, I finally received the DD214 for this particular individual. During this time, I read Stolen Valor, the book written by B.G. Burkett. I found it to be enlightening... Continue Reading →

Stolen Valor Part II

My ex-mother-in-law lived with us for almost two years, from sometime in 2010 through the end of 2012. Without getting too specific, my marriage was not going very well and her presence did not make things any better. Ultimately, we... Continue Reading →

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